Meet this Month's Legendairy Little, Aaron

Each month, one family with a medically complex baby or child is selected to receive a portion of the profits from Legendairy Milk as part of the Legendairy Littles program. 

The month of December we have selected to focus on Brachycephaly.  It is a form of Plagiocephaly where the shape of the skull is shorter than average. It can sometimes be known as flat head syndrome and happens when there is a premature fusion of the bones in the skull. Wearing a helmet can be one way to help correct Brachycephaly. The helmet is formed custom to each patient and allows an open area over top of the flattened areas of the skull to allow for growth. Generally a helmet will be worn for 4-6 months, but will vary based on severity.  Many mild forms of plagiocephaly may correct themselves with time, whereas more severe cases can prevent the brain from developing fully and require surgery.

Aaron is 9 months old and has a very severe form of Brachycephaly. His family has met with several specialists about the best route for helping his skull. Because of the extreme nature of his case, Aaron’s doctors are concerned about his brain growth if the shape of his head is not addressed now.  Aaron is excited to get fitted for his helmet in the near future to allow his skull to develop properly. 

During the month of December, a portion of Legendairy Milk’s profits will be donated to Aaron’s family to assist in the expenses associated with getting a helmet fitted for him. If you would like to nominate your family for the Legendairy Littles program, please email us at 

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