5 products to help boost milk supply sign

5 Products To Help Boost Your Milk Supply

By: Sabrina Granniss, IBCLC


6 min

Trying to figure out the best lactation products to help boost your milk supply can get confusing with so many choices out there. Identifying why you need the extra support of a lactation supplement can help you choose one that will be a good fit for you.

Legendairy Milk uses organic herbs and offers several blends, each designed to support your breastfeeding goals. Taking a lactation supplement, in addition to frequent milk removal, can help maintain and even increase the amount of milk you make for your baby.

Let’s dive deeper into 5 of Legendairy Milk’s lactation supplements for supporting and increasing milk supply. For each product, we will look at the following:

  • Herbs used in the product
  • What are the benefits to the body of those herbs
  • Who might benefit most from the product


Herbs: Torbangun leaves

The herb used in Lactivist is Torbangun. Bangun means to “wake up”. This herb is a main ingredient in a traditional Indonesian soup specially prepared by other family members for new mothers to support recovery from delivering the baby and encourage in her milk supply. 

Torbangum is a highly nutritious herb containing vitamins for milk production and minerals that nourish the body, boost the immune system, and boost energy. It is high in calcium and magnesium, which are important for milk production. Because it is also high in Vitamin C, it helps the body absorb more iron, also in Torbangun. 

Taking Torbangun has been shown not only to help establish a robust milk supply but also to help maintain a sufficient milk supply to continue to meet the baby’s needs. (1)

This lactation supplement may be for you if:

  • You want a nutritional boost for your milk
  • It can be helpful for establishing a milk supply in the beginning weeks of breastfeeding
  • You have milk supply issues due to blood sugar regulation. Torbangun can help lower elevated blood sugars
  • Boost prolactin levels, which is the hormone that signals to make more milk
  • Because Torbangun is high in calcium and magnesium, it may help reduce milk supply dips when menstruation returns

Liquid Gold

Herbs: Goat’s Rue, Milk Thistle, Shatavari, Fennel, Alfalfa, Anise

Packed with a proprietary blend of six herbs, this lactation supplement is one of Legendairy Milk’s most popular picks. This supplement can be a good starting point for boosting milk supply when things get off to a rough start.

The herbs in Liquid Gold address a variety of reasons for decreased milk supply and can help recover your supply and increase how much milk you are able to produce.

Shatavari promotes the balance of women’s hormones and is used during all stages of a woman's reproductive life. It can help regulate estrogen, increase libido, and increase fertility. It is sometimes called the herb of “100 spouses” for that reason. (2) It increases blood flow to the vagina, so it can help with dryness sometimes experienced during postpartum and lactation. Shatavari increases prolactin, helping to increase the amount of milk made.

Anise and fennel are digestive herbs that calm the belly and improve gut health, while Milk Thistle is a powerful cleansing herb that can help detoxify the liver. It has been used to recover from jaundice and help with gallbladder disorders. (3) Liver health is vital since the liver acts as a filter, clearing out toxins and playing a role in hormone regulation.

Goat’s rue is a champion herb that can help you increase the amount of breast/mammary tissue able to hold milk. During pregnancy, breast size increases as the ductal system and alveoli grow and develop in preparation for making and storing milk for your baby. (4) People who have insufficient glandular tissue or have had breast augmentation may have a decrease in milk supply. Goat’s rue also helps boost prolactin, helping the milk storage glands to refill with more milk. 

This lactation supplement may be for you if:

  • Experienced difficulties getting pregnant
  • Have a history of PCOS or insulin resistance
  • You didn’t experience an increase in breast size during pregnancy
  • Boost the quality of your milk
  • Have edema and swelling from retention of fluids
  • Increase mammary tissue's ability to store milk
  • You have constipation or sluggish digestion
  • Your baby has colic, reflux, or skin rashes

Pump Princess

Herbs: Black Cumin seed, Fennel, Dill

This one is not just for pumpers! The herbal stars of the show in this blend are Black Cumin seed, fennel, and dill.

Black Cumin seed has a rich history of being used to treat many conditions. During breastfeeding, it can help balance hormones, especially the thyroid. It has been shown to raise T3 and T4 and lower TSH. (5) If you experienced excessive hair loss, are more than just normal tired out, and your supply is low, black seed is an herb that may benefit you.

Fennel can help increase milk supply and has been shown to increase milk fat content. (4) It is considered a nervine, which means it promotes relaxation.  Fennel soothes the digestive system, and improved digestion impacts milk quality. (6) When we feel good and we are relaxed, it makes everything easier, including breastfeeding. Being relaxed is essential for the release of oxytocin, which is the “feel good” hormone. Oxytocin sends the message to release milk. When you are feeling stressed, this is inhibited.

Rounding out this blend is Dill seed, which is another digestive herb. Dill helps increase milk supply, and babies like the taste of milk when mothers have taken dill compared to those who have not. (7)

This lactation supplement may be for you if:

  • Balance hormones
  • You have PCOS
  • You have a thyroid imbalance
  • You have IBS or other digestive conditions like constipation

Cash Cow

Herbs: Alfalfa, Moringa, Goat’s Rue, Nettle

Alfalfa, Moringa, and Nettle are highly nutritional herbs. This blend also contains Goat’s rue, and because Cash Cow can be taken in the last few weeks of pregnancy, it is a wise choice for people with a history of low supply. 

Alfalfa is high in minerals and vitamins that can help give you a little more energy from its B vitamins and high iron. It has calcium and magnesium, so taking Cash Cow can help people who experience a dip due to the return of their period. 

This lactation supplement may be for you if:

  • Experienced low supply previously
  • To assist with relactation
  • It can be taken in the last weeks of pregnancy
  • Nutritional boost for your milk
  • Increase your milk storage capacity
  • Helps with recovery after birth


Herbs: Moringa, Nettle, Shatavari, Fennel

Moringa and Nettle are herbs that grow very easily and are super nutrient-dense. They both enhance the quality of human milk and boost the overall nutrition for moms and babies. Moringa is fast-acting, and people experience its benefits within the first few days of taking it.

Moringa helps increase milk flow; more milk can be removed while nursing and pumping, which helps make more milk and increase overall milk production. It is a great source of protein and iron, which means it can help fight fatigue in the postpartum period. (8) 

Nettle is an excellent herb if you have a tendency towards high blood pressure. It helps detoxify the body by supporting the liver and kidneys, the body’s filters. If you have concerns with milk supply after a delivery that you were given fluids or medications, taking Milkapalooza can help nourish your body and increase your supply.

This lactation supplement may be for you if:

  • Encourage milk flow
  • Boost the quality of your milk
  • You tend to be low in iron
  • You feel tired often and need a little boost of energy and your milk supply

Each person is unique and has their own health history. It is helpful to determine the cause of a decreased milk supply and know how each herb works in the body to pick a blend that will work best for you. It may take some experimenting to find the right match for your body. The 5 lactation support products above are packed full of organic herbs with a long history of supporting the body during lactation and increasing milk supply.


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