Meet March’s Legendairy Little, Emily
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Each month we donate a portion of our proceeds to a child with medical needs through the Legendairy Littles program. During March, we will be featuring Emily.
Throughout her pregnancy, Emily’s mom was followed closely to monitor the growth and size of Emily’s small right ventricle and heart valves due to Emily having Hypoplastic Right Heart Syndrome . This can cause a baby’s blood from having normal oxygen levels as well as cause stress to other organs. Emily was born in October 2022 at 39 weeks weighing 6 pounds 6 ounces. Once she was stabilized in the NICU, Emily was transported to the Cardiac ICU at a Children’s Hospital.
Emily had a PDA stent placed at only four-days old, then she surprised her doctors and family by eating and growing amazingly. Because of this, Emily was able to be discharged from the CICU after a month. Although she enjoyed being home, Emily was seen weekly by her medical team as well as daily weight checks and twice a day pulse ox checks at home. Prior to a Glenn procedure at 5-months old, a required pre-surgical cath was placed. While in the cath lab, Emily flat lined due to acute in-stent complete ductal thrombosis . Emily’s Glenn procedure went smoothly and she was hospitalized for two-weeks while her heart adjusted.
Since this procedure, Emily has been able to focus on growing and enjoying her family. She does face several bouts including RSV where she had several visits to her medical team. Her next open-heart procedure will be the Fontan and will take place around August 2025. She has a pink bear that her Grandparents gave her after birth before her first heart procedure. Emily has held this bear tight during every operation, procedure, and hospital stay. This “baby bear” brings a smile to her face whenever she sees it.
Emily’s dad is honored with the job of being her primary caretaker, while her mom is a Neuro nurse of 14 years. Emily is a playful, energetic young lady who brightens everyone’s day with her wide smiles and charismatic personality. She loves to play with her brothers and follow everyone around the house. Dancing and enjoying music are favorite activities with “Shake it Off” as her favorite song.
During the month of March, Legendairy Milk will be making a donation to Emily’s family to help with her ongoing medical expenses. If you would like to donate directly to Emily’s family, you can do so at their GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/f/c8ymv-emily-rose.