Meet September’s Legendairy Little, Logan
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Each month we donate a portion of our proceeds to a child with medical needs through the Legendairy Littles program. During the month of September, we will be featuring Logan.
At 32 weeks gestation, Logan’s mom saw a specialist. Although she measured at 40 weeks, Logan measured very small, and doctors could not see his stomach on ultrasounds. It was then that he was diagnosed with Esophageal Atresia. Because of this, Mom was at an increased risk of going into premature labor, so his medical team worked quickly to develop a plan of care.
Logan was born at 34 weeks on Valentine’s Day, measuring 3 pounds 12 ounces and 16.5 inches. He was quickly transported by ambulance to another hospital to meet his amazing team of surgeons. The next day, Logan had his important surgery to attach the esophagus to his stomach. Following a 10-day stay in that hospital’s NICU, Logan was transferred back to the original hospital, where he spent 69 days in their NICU. During this time, he underwent many procedures, tests, and studies to help him grow and learn how to eat.
Learning to eat and getting the right nutrition proved to be complicated for Logan and his medical team. Although he started with a NG feeding tube through his nose, the site of his first surgery was narrow, and it proved to be challenging to pass the tube into his stomach. When he was introduced to small volumes of milk in a bottle, he had difficulty with his narrow esophagus and reflux. He would continue to make baby steps in learning to eat the entire time he stayed in the NICU. Eventually, it was decided that a g-tube would be the best option to help Logan grow. Unfortunately, Logan experienced the g-tube balloon popping several times resulting in three ER visits and at least six different tubes. Logan continues to learn to eat; his favorite method is to nurse, and his tube is used to provide any nutrition Logan has not finished.
At five months old, Logan is 11 pounds and 23 inches. He loves to read books with his family and watch Encanto and Bluey. Logan adores his 10-year-old sister, his blankets, and toys. He enjoys munching on his hands, reaching his feet, and tummy time. Nursing and snuggles are where Logan prefers to spend most of his days.
Throughout Logan’s journey, he has kept a smile and is very rarely upset. His family shares that he is the strongest little guy and such a blessing to everyone around him. During the month of September, a portion of our sales will be donated to Logan’s family to help with ongoing medical expenses.