Meet This Month's Legendairy Little, Andrew - Legendairy Milk

Meet This Month's Legendairy Little, Andrew

By: Guest Contributor


1 min

Every month, one medically complex child is selected to receive a financial gift from the Legendairy Littles program. During June, Legendairy Milk is pleased to feature Andrew.

Andrew will be celebrating his first birthday this month. He has been hospitalized since birth. Andrew was born with Tetralogy of Fallot. This heart condition is present at birth and can be a combination of four heart defects. Many infants with Tetralogy of Fallot have blue-looking skin because their blood does not carry enough oxygen through the body. According to the CDC, about 1 in every 2,518 babies born every year in the United States is born with ToF. Since birth, Andrew has had to have two heart surgeries. The most recent one was in April and was a full repair.

Additionally, Andrew also has Down Syndrome and has had to be on a ventilator since birth. At only two months old, Andrew required surgery to place a G-tube and a Trach. A g-tube is a feeding tube that is inserted directly into the stomach. In addition to feeds, a g-tube can also be used for hydration and medication. A Tracheostomy (trach) tube is placed through the front of the neck into the windpipe to allow air to pass in and out as an infant breathes.

Andrew is described by his family and medical team to be the most peaceful baby and so sweet. He loves to explore his surroundings and is a joy to everyone who meets him. The youngest of seven children, Andrew is also the second medically complex child in his family. His parents work hard to visit Andrew regularly in the hospital. This may mean a train ride followed by a 25-minute walk, or a car ride of up to two hours in each direction.

His family will use the Legendairy Littles financial donation to help with transportation costs to visit Andrew and hopefully bring him home for the first time soon.

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