Meet This Month's Legendairy Little, Sophia

Each month, we donate of portion of our profits to a child with medical needs through the Legendairy Littles program. For the month of March, we have selected an adorable little girl named Sophia. 


Sophia is 8 months old with such a beautiful smile and bright eyes that light up a room. Two hours after birth, Sophia was rushed via ambulance to a children’s hospital due to an undiagnosed congenital heart disease – Tetralogy of Fallot. This left Mom behind at the original hospital to recover from birth. Sophia was able to leave the NICU in only four days with the expectation of open-heart surgery in six months, however after only five weeks at home, her cardiologist said Sophia’s condition was deteriorating quickly and she needed immediate open-heart surgery. Sophia had major complications from this surgery that resulted in ECMO (life support for her heart and lungs), seizures, stroke, brain damage, chylothorax, left diaphragm paresis and plication. Since this surgery, Sophia has had multiple additional stays in the hospital for failure to thrive, to place an ng feeding tube, and surgery again for a gtube that did not go as smoothly as had anticipated. Sophia will have an additional heart procedure within the next few months. Her cardiologist has informed Sophia’s family that this heart procedure may not allow for much planning time because her condition is changing so rapidly. 


Sophia had to spend her first Halloween in the hospital, but that did not stop her from being the most adorable strawberry! She adores her older sister who loves playing with her. Since Sophia is almost always connected to a medical device, her big sister enjoys bringing toys and shaking them for her. Sophia is in physical, occupational, and speech therapy sessions due to her developmental delays but she is still such a joyful little girl regardless of what hurdles she has had to overcome. 


The donation from Legendairy Milk will help Sophia’s family with medical, therapy, and medical device expenses in her ongoing course towards a more stable future. If you would like to donate directly to Sophia’s family, you may do so through their GoFundMe:

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