Baby Skin

Eczema: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

By: Sabrina Granniss, IBCLC


5 min

Eczema is a broad term for inflammatory skin issues that cause itchy, dry patches on the skin that are irritating and can be painful. Atopic dermatitis is the most common form of eczema and affects people of all ages. It is often recurring, and if you rub or scratch your skin where it is, it may develop into a more significant rash. There are ways to help calm and soothe eczema on your baby right at home. There are several contributing factors to eczema, and identifying potential causes can help determine how to address the issue best.

On light skin tones, the area of skin affected may look red. For people with darker skin tones, the areas may look more purple, gray, brown, or ashen. Both skin tones will have an inflamed appearance. (12) Sometimes eczema will ooze clear fluid; other times, it is more scaly and rough.

Our skin is our largest organ and is a protective barrier between us and the outside world. Through our skin, we interact with the world through the sense of touch, but our skin is also exposed to what we encounter in our environment. 

Approximately 1 in 10 people experience eczema, and the peak prevalence is in childhood. (14)

That outer layer of the skin, called the epidermis, completely replaces itself about every month. (1) The epidermis has antigen-presenting cells that play an essential role in immune function. (2) The other two layers of our skin are the dermis and the hypodermis (subcutis), which is the deepest layer. Fascia is below the hypodermis and is a system of tissue that surrounds muscles and organs throughout the body.

On the skin's surface is a community of bacteria, fungi, and viruses making up the skin’s microbiome. Some parts of our skin are moister than others, like feet and armpits; some parts are more dry, like our hands, and others are more oily, like our face or torso. Different microbes live on different parts of the skin. Various skin conditions tend to happen in particular areas of our skin. Keeping the good bacteria thriving can help protect undesirable pathogens and strains from taking over and penetrating the deeper layer of skin, leading to issues like eczema. (3)

Our skin is a window into what is happening with the rest of the body. There is a connection between our skin and gut health. Babies inherit their gut health from their parents. The mother's flora is passed to her baby in utero, during birth, with skin-to-skin contact, and during breastfeeding. Compromised gut health of the mother, birth interventions, mom's diet, and feeding practices all impact the baby’s immune system and susceptibility to conditions like eczema. 

Your baby’s skin microbiome is also affected by their environment and anything put on their skin. Vernix protects their skin immediately after birth. Read ingredient labels for anything else you apply to your baby’s skin, ensuring the ingredients are pure, gentle, and safe.

Fun Fact:

The white coating of vernix on your baby’s skin after birth offers a layer of protection as they adjust to the outside world. Leave their vernix on the skin rather than wash it away. As it absorbs into your baby’s skin, it keeps their skin hydrated and soft.

Symptoms of eczema

  • Rashes and redness or brown, gray, or purple skin discoloration
  • Skin looks inflamed
  • Small raised bumps on the skin
  • Itching 
  • Blistered looking skin

What triggers eczema?

  • Food sensitivities
  • Low humidity during colder weather
  • Sweating 
  • Perfumes
  • Detergents
  • Stress 

Where does eczema appear?

  • Inside the elbows
  • Behind the knees
  • Tops of the feet or hands
  • On the neck or torso
  • Cheeks, forehead, and chin

What increases the risk of having eczema?

  • Family history of asthma
  • Family history of seasonal allergies
  • Born by cesarean section
  • Antibiotic use
  • Compromised gut health of the mother
  • Vaccine sensitivity
  • Formula use (10)

Finding relief for eczema

  • Heal the gut - improving the mother's gut health is critical in resolving the root cause of eczema. When the mother’s gut health improves, her baby’s gut health recovers. (13) Remove all food sensitivities both mom and baby have and add in foods and herbs to help heal the gut.
  • Low histamine diet - when someone has eczema, their body may react to everything, not just actual sensitivities. Histamine is released by our immune system when we are exposed to allergens. (4) The body sees the food or trigger as an invader and is released to help fight the invader. When our system is out of balance, it may overreact, seeing everything as a threat.
  • Vitamin D - Many Americans are deficient in Vitamin D. Some evidence shows that people with eczema have lower levels of vitamin D. Vitamin D is essential to the function of the epidermal barrier of our skin and our immune system and immune responses. Supplementing with Vitamin D may reduce the risk and severity of eczema. (8) 

 Unless the baby is exclusively breastfed and the mother takes 6400 IU/day, they should be supplemented to ensure they have sufficient vitamin D. Legendairy Milk Has Baby Vitamin D3 & K2 drops to meet your baby's needs. Vitamin K2 should be taken with D3. They work together to transport calcium where it needs to be in the body.

  • Zinc - deficiency in zinc is associated with skin issues, including eczema. 
  • Probiotics - Feeding the gut with strains of good bacteria helps restore gut health and balance in the body. Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus paracasei are two strains of probiotics that may reduce the severity and occurrence of eczema. (5) It has been shown that when a mom takes a probiotic with Lactobacillus rhamnosus during pregnancy and lactation, it can reduce the risk of their baby having eczema. (11)
  • Homeopathic remedies - based on the premise of like-cures-like, the correct homeopathic remedy for one person may differ from another. To find the remedy that is the best match, look to the symptoms. Common remedies include Sulphur, Graphities, Calcarea carbonica, and Hepar sulph. (6)
  • Coconut oil - With its anti-inflammatory properties, coconut oil can help soothe skin and may help reduce the severity of eczema while you address the underlying cause. (7)

Standard eczema treatment

Steroid creams are often prescribed for eczema flare-ups. A stronger one will be prescribed if the mild steroid doesn’t help. Steroids can deplete vitamins and minerals, including calcium, chromium, potassium, and Vitamin B6. (9) They may seem to reduce the appearance of eczema initially, but unless the root cause is addressed, symptoms return and sometimes become worse. Steroids are addictive and can be hard to wean off, even when used topically. Long-time use of steroids can make your skin thinner and reduce the ability of the skin to repair itself. 

While eczema can be a bothersome and recurring skin condition, there are many ways to relieve discomfort and manage its symptoms. Understanding how eczema affects the skin, identifying triggers, and addressing underlying factors such as gut health, vitamin deficiencies, and skin microbiome makes it possible to soothe and calm your baby’s eczema at home. Incorporating natural remedies like low histamine diets for the mom, vitamin supplementation, zinc, probiotics, and coconut oil can complement standard treatment options and promote healthier skin for mom and baby. 

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