Meet this Month's Legendairy Little, Charlee

Each month, one family with a medically complex baby or child will be selected to receive a portion of the profits from Legendairy Milk as part of the Legendairy Littles program. The month of October we have selected to focus on a very special family. Caroline (Charlee) was born on May 6, 2017. At only 19 days old, Charlee unexpectedly stopped breathing. Thankfully Mom and her friend were there and were able to perform CPR. Please take a moment to visit to find a training class near you. Charlee spent the next 52 days in the NICU, she suffered a brain injury from her cardiac arrest. Once back home, Charlee relied on her gtube to receive breastmilk that her dedicated mom pumped for her. It is with deep sorrow that, on September 8, Charlee unexpectedly passed away. 

Charlee’s mother, Sarah, is a definition of a hero. She dedicated herself to pumping to feed Charlee through her gtube, and she is now pumping to donate to a little boy in the NICU. Even though she is no longer pumping for her own precious gift, Sarah is setting herself aside to provide the best nutrition available for another infant. Pumping breastmilk is a form of love in the way of nutrition and donating that love can allow critically sick and NICU infants an added chance at developing. There are multiple ways to donate any excess breastmilk that you may have. Donations can be made through informal sites or through large milk bank organizations. When considering donating, please research all available avenues to find the best option for your liquid love. 

During the month of October, a portion of Legendairy Milk’s profits will be donated to Charlee’s family. If you would like to nominate your family for the Legendairy Littles program, please email us at 

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