Each month we donate a portion of our sales to a child with medical needs through the Legendairy Littles program.
Beginning at an 8-week scan, Lottie was measuring small for her gestational age. It was during her 20-week scan that a geneticist told Lottie’s family that she most likely had Trisomy-18, which would be a “non-viable diagnosis”. As weeks went by, her growth eventually stopped, and mom was admitted into the hospital until it was time for Lottie to be delivered. At only 31 weeks gestation, Lottie was delivered weighing 1 lb 8 oz and the size of a 24-week baby due to severe intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR). Lottie fought through 9 weeks in the NICU before being able to go home. Lottie has come a long way and recently passed the 8 lb milestone at 5 months old! Although she is still in the 0 percentile of height and weight, she works hard to meet her developmental milestones. Long-term care for Lottie includes managing her chronic kidney disease, difficulties eating, and many appointments with her pulmonologist, nephrologist, and hematologist. Lottie’s family remembers how crushing diagnoses can be and wants to encourage and hope to families going through a similar journey.
During the month of June, a portion of all sales will be donated to Lottie’s family to help with her ongoing medical needs.