Each month we donate a portion of our sales to a child with medical needs through the Legendairy Littles program. Tara was born 12 weeks early due to HELLP syndrome. She weighed just 1 lb 8.2 oz. At just shy of two months old, it was discovered that Tara’s heart murmur is Arial Septal Defect and will continue to be monitored. She has CPAP to assist in breathing, and is fed through a PICC line. With all that Tara is going through, she remains a feisty little girl. She handles each obstacle thrown her way and continues to put so much energy into growing. She is over 3 pounds now!
When Tara was born, her parents did not have transportation to get back and forth to the hospital to be with her. They utilized Uber and Lyft for their transportation needs, however that got expensive fast. They have been able to find a car now, however it has repairs that need to be addressed. A portion of June sales will be donated to Tara’s family to help with costs of repairs to their vehicle so they can continue to see Tara in the NICU. If you would like to donate directly to their family, their GoFundMe is: https://www.gofundme.com/f/tara039s-tale?utm_source=customer&utm_medium=copy_link-tip&utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet